Friday, December 4, 2009

[Charts] How to Display Totals on a Stacked Column (Bar) Chart

Lets say, there is a stacked column chart in Excel created using the data as shown:
Data table for Stacked Column Chart in Excel

How to create Stacked Column Chart in Excel
Now, we want to display totals, for example 34 + 43 = 77 at the top of the stacked columns. In stacked column chart, Excel does not allow the "Outer End" option of Data Label position.

To overcome this limitation, create a "Total" column in the data table as shown:

How to add total at top of Stacked Column Chart in Excel
Now change the source data of the chart to include column D as shown below:
The Total column will appear as show above.
Next, right-click on the new "total" series and change the Chart Type to Line and the resulting chart is shown below:
Data table for Stacked Column Chart in Excel
Next, double-click on the Line and set the Line color as "None" and Marker as "None" under the "Patterns" tab.
Go to "Data Labels" tab and select "Value" checkbox, and the resulting final chart will look like this:
Data table for Stacked Column Chart in Excel
Hope you found this tutorial helpful.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

[Excel] Creating a Custom Menu/Command bar Using VBA Macro and Add-Ins

This macro creates a custom command bar at the bottom part of the Excel window as shown.

Custom Menu/CommandBar Addin
The command bar has three menu items. Each of the menu items are assigned to a macro.
Here is how to go about creating a custom command bar:

Step 1: Create a new Excel file and use the code below to create your own command bar
Step 2: Save the file as an AddIn, for example "Utility.xla".
Step 3: Go to Tools -> Add-ins and browse the addin file you created as shown. Each time Excel is opened, this add-in is called and the Command Bar is ready to use.

Custom Menu/CommandBar Addin

' Creating Utility Command Bar with Button Menu Items with Icons
' Copyright
Option Explicit

Sub Create_Utility_Menu() Dim MyBar As CommandBar Dim MyPopup As CommandBarPopup Dim MyButton As CommandBarButton ' Delete Menu, if it was already created On Error Resume Next CommandBars("Utility Menu").Delete On Error GoTo 0 ' Create a Command Bar object on the bottom of the Excel window Set MyBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:"Utility Menu", _ Position:=msoBarBottom, Temporary:=True) With MyBar '.Width = 200 .Visible = True Set MyButton = MyBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With MyButton .Caption = "Move Sheets Around" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption 'Other Menu item types include: 'msoButtonAutomatic, msoButtonIcon, msoButtonCaption, or msoButtonIconandCaption .BeginGroup = True 'Assign a macro (in this case macro name is MoveSheets) .OnAction = "MoveSheets" 'Assign a picture icon using predefined Office icons .FaceId = 1771 End With Set MyButton = MyBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With MyButton .Caption = "Hide/Unhide Sheets" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .BeginGroup = True 'Assign a macro (in this case macro name is HideUnhideSelectedSheets) .OnAction = "HideUnhideSelectedSheets" 'Assign a picture icon using predefined Office icons .FaceId = 488 End With Set MyButton = MyBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With MyButton .Caption = "Go to Sheet" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .BeginGroup = True 'Assign a macro (in this case macro name is GoToSheet) .OnAction = "GoToSheet" 'Assign a picture icon using predefined Office icons .FaceId = 917 End With End With End Sub

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[Excel] Making Chart Series Invisible

'Make a Chart Series Invisible 
'This macro loops through all he series of a selected chart 
'and for each series in the chart, it asks the user if they want 
'to make the series invisible 
'Making a series invisible simply means the following: 
'-Setting the Border as None 
'-Setting the Background Color as None 
'-Setting the Marker Type as None 
'For this macro to work properly, a chart has to be selected 

Sub MakeSeriesInvisible() Dim s As Series For Each s In ActiveChart.SeriesCollection With s resp = MsgBox("Do you want to make series: " & Chr(34) & _ s.Name & Chr(34) & " invisible?", vbYesNo) If resp = vbYes Then .Border.LineStyle = xlNone .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone .MarkerStyle = xlNone End If End With Next s End Sub

[Excel] Changing Chart Series Order

Here is a Bar Chart with Series 1 to 6. (bottom-up)
Excel Bar Chart Series Order
The data table is as shown below
Excel Bar Chart Series Order

If the series order required is: 5, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4 then enter the series names inside the code and select the chart and run the macro. The series order will be changed accordingly.
Excel Bar Chart Series Order
'This macro changes the order of series in a collection of series 
'of a chart. The series names has to be hard coded inside this 
'For this macro to work property 
'1. A chart should be selected 
'2. It should have more than 1 series 

Sub OrderFeesSeriesOfActiveChart()
  Dim sc As SeriesCollection
  Dim s As Series
  Dim LookupArray(6, 2) As Variant 
  Dim SeriesNameArray() As Variant 
  Dim OrderArray() As Variant 
  Dim Temp(1, 2) As Variant 
  Dim str, str1 As String 
  Dim SeriesCount, Count As Integer 
  Set sc = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection
  ' Count the number of series in the selected chart 
  Count = 0
  For Each s In sc
    If Trim(s.Name) <> "Total" Then Count = Count + 1
  Next s
  SeriesCount = Count
  ReDim SeriesNameArray(SeriesCount)
  ReDim OrderArray(SeriesCount, 2)
  ' Create 2x2 Lookup array with order wanted. 
  ' Hardcode the series names according to the desired order
  LookupArray(1, 1) = "Series 5"
  LookupArray(2, 1) = "Series 1"
  LookupArray(3, 1) = "Series 3"
  LookupArray(4, 1) = "Series 2"
  LookupArray(5, 1) = "Series 6"
  LookupArray(6, 1) = "Series 4"
  LookupArray(1, 2) = 1
  LookupArray(2, 2) = 2
  LookupArray(3, 2) = 3
  LookupArray(4, 2) = 4
  LookupArray(5, 2) = 5
  LookupArray(6, 2) = 6
   'Store series names in an array 
    For k = 1 To UBound(SeriesNameArray())
      SeriesNameArray(k) = Trim(sc(k).Name)
    Next k
   'Lookup series order from Lookup array 
    For i = 1 To UBound(LookupArray())
        For j = 1 To UBound(SeriesNameArray())
          If LookupArray(i, 1) = SeriesNameArray(j) Then 
            OrderArray(j, 1) = LookupArray(i, 1)
            OrderArray(j, 2) = LookupArray(i, 2)
            End If 
        Next j
    Next i
   'Sort the elements in OrderArray using order obtained from Lookup array 
    For i = 1 To SeriesCount - 1
      For j = i + 1 To SeriesCount
        If OrderArray(i, 2) > OrderArray(j, 2) Then 
          Temp(1, 1) = OrderArray(j, 1)
          Temp(1, 2) = OrderArray(j, 2)
          OrderArray(j, 1) = OrderArray(i, 1)
          OrderArray(j, 2) = OrderArray(i, 2)
          OrderArray(i, 1) = Temp(1, 1)
          OrderArray(i, 2) = Temp(1, 2)
        End If 
      Next j
    Next i
  'Assign new series order 
  For Each s In sc
      For i = 1 To SeriesCount
          If Trim(s.Name) = OrderArray(i, 1) Then 
              s.PlotOrder = i
          End If 
      Next i
  Next s
End Sub 

Friday, November 20, 2009

[Excel] Hiding/Unhiding sheets using an User Form

' The code to call the Form should be written in Modules Section
Sub HideUnhideSelectedSheets()
End Sub

' The Code to generate form should be written inside Forms section as shown below:
' Create a Form named "UserFormHideUnhide"

'*** Code behind UserFormHideUnhide form
' - The form displays Visible and Invisible sheets
' side-by-side. The users can use the buttons to switch
' sheets between Hidden and Visible options
' - Once the user submits the form all the changes are
' applied to the sheets' visibility
'*** Names of the Controls on the UserForm
' Listbox: ListBox1 - displays a list of visible sheets
' Listbox: ListBox2 - displays a list of hidden sheets
' Button: MoveAllToRight - ">>" used to make all sheets
' but one hidden
' Button: MoveSelectedToRight - ">" hide one sheet at a time
' Button: MoveSelectedToLeft - "<" unhide one sheet at a time ' Button: MoveAllToLeft - ">>" used to make all sheets
' visible
' Button: Cancel - used to cancel the Form(dialog box)
' Button: Hide/Unhide - used to submit the UserForm

'*** Initialize dialog box with Visible and Hidden sheets list

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim sht As Variant
Dim shts As Sheets

For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If sht.Visible Then
ListBox1.AddItem sht.Name
Else: ListBox2.AddItem sht.Name
End If
Next sht

End Sub

'*** Button to Hide all Visible sheets
Private Sub MoveAllToRight_Click()
'Add all but one Visible sheets into Hidden sheets list
For i = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
ListBox2.AddItem ListBox1.List(i)
Next i
'Remove all but one sheets from Visible sheets list
For i = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
ListBox1.RemoveItem (1)
Next i

MsgBox "At least one sheet should be visible"

End Sub

'***Button to hide selected visible sheets
Private Sub MoveSelectedToRight_Click()

Dim CountVisibleSheets, LastSelection, j As Integer
CountVisibleSheets = ListBox1.ListCount - 1

'Excel requires at least one sheet to be visible
If ListBox1.ListCount = 1 Then
LastSelection = 0
MsgBox "At least one sheet should be visible"
'Add selected sheets to Hidden sheets listbox
For i = 0 To CountVisibleSheets
If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
ListBox2.AddItem ListBox1.List(i)
End If
Next i

'Remove selected sheets from Visible sheets list
j = 0
Do Until j = ListBox1.ListCount
If ListBox1.Selected(j) Then
ListBox1.RemoveItem (j)
LastSelection = j
j = j - 1
End If
j = j + 1
End If

'Maintain a selection by moving selection to next visible sheet
If LastSelection < ListBox1.ListCount Then
ListBox1.Selected(LastSelection) = True
ListBox1.Selected(LastSelection - 1) = True
End If

End Sub

'*** Button to Unhide selected Hidden sheets
Private Sub MoveSelectedToLeft_Click()
Dim CountVisibleSheets, LastSelection As Integer
CountVisibleSheets = ListBox2.ListCount - 1

For i = 0 To CountVisibleSheets
If ListBox2.Selected(i) Then
ListBox1.AddItem ListBox2.List(i)
End If
Next i

j = 0
Do Until j = ListBox2.ListCount
If ListBox2.Selected(j) Then
ListBox2.RemoveItem (j)
LastSelection = j
j = j - 1
End If
j = j + 1
'Maintain a selection by moving selection to next Hidden sheet
If LastSelection < ListBox2.ListCount Then
ListBox2.Selected(LastSelection) = True
ElseIf ListBox2.ListCount = 0 Then
ListBox2.Selected(LastSelection - 1) = True
End If
End Sub

'*** Button to Unhide all Hidden sheets
Private Sub MoveAllToLeft_Click()
Dim CountHiddenSheets As Integer
CountHiddenSheets = ListBox2.ListCount - 1

For i = 0 To CountHiddenSheets
ListBox1.AddItem ListBox2.List(i)
Next i

For i = 0 To CountHiddenSheets
ListBox2.RemoveItem (0)
Next i
End Sub

'*** Cancel dialog button
Private Sub CommandCancel_Click()
Unload UserFormHideUnhide
End Sub

'*** Submit selection for hiding and unhiding sheets
Private Sub CommandHideUnhide_Click()
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ListBox1.List(i)).Visible = True
Next i
For i = 0 To ListBox2.ListCount - 1
If i = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count - 1 Then
MsgBox "At least one sheet should be visible"
Exit For
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ListBox2.List(i)).Visible = False
End If
Next i
End Sub

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Excel: Hide Unhide Comments

' Hide/Unhide Comments
' This macro toggles comments display
Sub ShowComments()

Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = Application.DisplayCommentIndicator * -1

End Sub

Excel: Toggle Hide Unhide data sheets

' Toggle Hide Unhide data sheets
' This macro creates an array of sheet names and upon running this macro
' will hide/unhide sheets
' Note: Atleast one sheet should be visible
Sub ToggleHideUnhideDataSheets()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ShtNames() As Variant

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

ShtNames = Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4", "Sheet5")

For i = 0 To UBound(ShtNames)
wb.Sheets(ShtNames(i)).Visible = Not wb.Sheets(ShtNames(i)).Visible
Next i

End Sub